7248-03. SEA for the Bafing Falémé Landscape – Guinea

The Guinean government is developing a plan for the sustainable management of the Bafing Falémé landscape, and decided to do a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for that plan. The region is known for its large population of chimpanzees, while a large dam, mines and access routes and railways are also being planned in the same area. In January 2021, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) formally requested the NCEA to coach the interministerial commission responsible for the SEA process in the coming period. Since then, the NCEA helped develop a road map that helps guide the planning and SEA process. In April 2022, the NCEA facilitated a technical training on SEA that marked the launch of the SEA process. Further information on the SEA can be found on the MEDD's website: Paysage de Bafing Falémé - MEDD-GUINEE

Significant details

In November 2020, an inter-ministerial commission (CICMB) in Guinea Conakry decided to jointly develop a plan for the sustainable development of the Bafing Falémé landscape, and to apply an SEA for that plan. The decision was prepared and announced during a multi-stakeholder workshop regrouping several ministries, private sector investors and local stakeholders.

SEA is not yet formally regulated in Guinea and experience in practice is limited, which is why the NCEA acted as facilitator during the preparation and execution of the workshop, in Conakry and online.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Marc-Antoine Ladouceur, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Karim Samoura, PhD

Technical secretary: Gwen van Boven

Further details

Country: Guinea

Last modified: 13 Sep 2022