7196. Update climate profiles

Upon request of the Inclusive Green Growth Department (IGG) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (March 2016) the country profiles on climate change have been updated in order to reflect the current projections of the impact of climate change in the partner country, its current policies and proposed climate change related actions (such as its INDC), climate finance and the embassy’s response to climate change in the partner country.

Significant details

In 2014, the DSU together with NWP, CDI and Kadi Warner (MFA) prepared a series of country profiles on climate change and water/food security, upon request from MFA (see Climate Change Screening of Embassies' Water and Food Programmes). These profiles were used by embassies and other development partners in the partner countries to inform their (water and food security) programmes, and to determine how to make their projects more 'climate-smart'.

In 2015, and in 2016, these profiles were updated and expanded and other countries added. The 2016 country climate change profiles were made available, covering fourteen of the fifteen Netherlands’ partner countries (and one region) in which there are embassy programmes. The following topics are covered in each 2016 profile:

  • overall ranking in the ND-GAIN index for climate change;
  • biophysical vulnerability to climate change;
  • socio-economic vulnerability to climate change with specific attention to food security and water resources;
  • the partner country’s climate change strategies and policies;
  • its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution(INDC);
  • climate finance;
  • climate change projects;
  • the climate contribution of the Dutch embassy.

A variety of maps is attached to each profile to provide a quick overview of where 'climate hotspots' can be expected.

More information can be acquired via climatehelpdesk@minbuza.nl.

In 2018, updates of country climate change profiles have been made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs itself. The outdated DSU-versions have been removed from the NCEA-website. More info: Inclusive Green Growth Department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Martine van Schaik, MSc
Katherine (Kadi) Warner, PhD

Technical secretary: Gerlinde Buit

Further details

Country: Bangladesh; Benin; Burundi; Democratic Republic of Congo; Ethiopia; Ghana; Great Lakes; Indonesia; Kenya; Mali; Mozambique; Palestinian territories; Rwanda; South Sudan; Uganda; Yemen

Last modified: 12 Nov 2018