7137. SIDA, NIRAS and the Chalmers University of Gothenburg -International SEA Training Programmes

SIDA, NIRAS and the Chalmers University of Gothenburg jointly organise international SEA training programmes (SEA ITP programme, 2013-2017) for participants from developing countries. The objective of these programmes is to strengthen SEA capacity in the participants’ organisations. It supports participants in developing an individual “SEA project” to improve the use of SEA in planning processes in which they are involved. 

Significant details

The NCEA contributed to various SEA training events in Gothenburg and Stockholm:

  • In December 2014 for participants from 5 African countries. The NCEA’s contribution to this training was a presentation on the SEA system approach, followed by a group assignment in which country SEA systems were assessed.
  • In December 2016 for participants from 5 African countries with a focus on energy, the NCEA presented its international activities and an SEA case. The case provided participants with an example of how SEA can improve development, save the environment, promote growth and reduce costs.
  • In April 2017, the NCEA presented SEA cases from its own practice for participants from 6 African countries.
  • In October 2017, the NCEA provided guest lectures on SEA for participants from five South East Asian countries. They were important and timely, because officials from four of these countries are currently working on the introduction of SEA in their country.
  • In November 2017, again an NCEA contribution was given to participants from 6 African countries.
  • In May 2018, the NCEA contributed to a National Facilitators meeting of the ITP programme in Dar es Salaam. The National Facilitors of 8 African countries each gave an update of SEA in their respective countries.
  • In February 2019, the NCEA joined SIDA/Niras in some of their closing seminars of the international Strategic Environmental Assessment training programme. In Mozambique, Uganda, Rwanda, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Cambodia various presentations on SEA were given.

In its cooperation activies in the countries, NCEA works closely together, where possible with some of these SEA alumni, in particular in Mozambique, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania-mainland, Tanzania-Zanzibar, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Rwanda and Cambodia.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Technical secretary: Ineke Steinhauer

Further details

Last modified: 08 Jul 2021