Photo by the NCEA

Support on Indicators, Monitoring and Results Fiches for Gender, Climate and Environment - Mozambique

Project details





Activity type

Sustainability advice


Climate change, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Food security, Gender, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Monitoring and evaluation, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Water management

Last modified

17 August 2021

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Mozambique requested the Dutch Sustainability Unit (DSU) to perform a feasibility check (validation and translation) of adjusted result fiches. 

Significant details

In October 2013 the DSU had already conducted a review of the Gender, Climate Change and Environment (GCE) linkages of the spearhead programmes Water and Food Security of the EKN in Mozambique. That advice provided a useful analysis of critical GCE issues and suggested to adapt the result fiches.

Advisory reports and other documents

23 May 2014: Other

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Peter de Koning

Katia Kristina Pereira Taela

Technical secretary

ir. Ineke Steinhauer