Mapping 2018-2019 - Niger

Project details





Activity type

Capacity development


Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), ESIA mapping, Governance, Institutional development, Legislation, Participation, Transboundary issues

Last modified

17 January 2023

In October 2018, the NCEA conducted a mapping workshop with various Nigerien stakeholders active in  Environmental Assessment (EA). The workshop shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of the EA-system, and provided input for the NCEA's multi-annual programme plan in Niger. 

Significant details

At the request of the national Environmental Agency (BNEE), the NCEA visited Niamey from 17 to 21 October 2018 to explore opportunities for future collaboration. The NCEA had a productive mission which included many meetings and a two-day mapping workshop which included input from representatives from all parties in the EA-system: ministries, consultants, NGOs, etc. The mapping workshop shed light on the strengths and weaknesses in the Nigerien EA-system, and thus provided lines of approach for future BNEE-NCEA collaboration.

Advisory reports and other documents


Parties involved

Members of the working group

George (Gregorius) Cornelus de Gooijer

Dr. Karim Samoura

Technical secretary

Stephen Teeuwen