Gender Mainstreaming in CBI Programmes

Project details




Netherlands (the)

Activity type

Sustainability advice


Economical aspects, Gender, Institutional development

Last modified

18 March 2019

The NCEA's Dutch Sustainability Unit - Gender Equality (DSU-GE) provided strategic advice to the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Significant details

The CBI's request was to provide strategic advice on the different options to better integrate gender (i.e. to "mainstream" gender) in its operations. To that end, policy, institutional, managerial, technical, and human resources aspects were analysed.

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Antoinette Hélène Gosses

drs. ir. Saskia Ivens

Technical secretary

dr. Sibout Nooteboom