Cruise Ship Terminal - Cape Verde - ORIO

Project details




Cape Verde

Activity type

ESIA/SEA advice


Coastal zone management, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Review, Tourism/recreation

Last modified

07 September 2021

Project ORIO11/CV/21 aims to develop a dedicated Cruise Ship Terminal and Auxiliary Facilities at Port Grande in Cape Verde. This project is under development with support of the ORIO facility. An ESIA was undertaken for this project, and the NCEA reviewed this report, as well as related follow-up documents. 

Significant details

In first instance, the NCEA analysed the draft ESIA for the Cruise Ship Terminal. The NCEA did not undertake a detailed review with a working group of experts, but checked the contents of the ESIA in general terms. Were the key topics relevant for this project addressed in this ESIA? At a later stage the NCEA also looked at the results of the ESIA review undertaken by the Cape Verde National Directorate of Environment. We compared the Directorate's conclusions against our earlier analysis. On this basis the NCEA provided a number of recommendations for project decision-making. For example, on the necessary level of detail of the environmental management plan.

Other documents

Parties involved

Members of the working group

Technical secretary

ir. Ineke Steinhauer