Sibout Nooteboom
Technical sectretary
At the request of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the NCEA's Dutch Sustainability Unit (DSU) advised in 2016 the Dutch board member (later alternate board member) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) about the sustainability impacts of proposals. It joined in several meetings with the Board in Seoul.
The international community, through processes like the Paris Agreement and the GCF, was looking for ways to achieve sustainable development goals, which include climate change goals. The GCF was, more than existing funds, a new and innovative fund that aimed at paradigms shifts. These shifts were required to achieve climate change goals, but it was unclear which paradigm shifts were most sustainable, how these could be achieved and how the GCF may organise itself internally to contribute the most to these shifts. The Netherlands, as part of the Danish / Netherlands / Luxembourg seat in the GCF board, wanted to play a constructive role in that learning process, and looked for coherence with its other policies, enhancing sustainability. The DSU was asked to reflect on GCF funding proposals and GCF procedures, for example those related tot the proposal approval process, environmental and social safeguards, performance monitoring and country ownership. Its contributions were considered by the joint board seat as it prepared its input in the board. As dynamics in the GCF board accelerated directly before and during its meetings, the DSU has been invited to join a few of these meetings. In February 2017, the DSU also provided input, e.g.shared its relevant experiences, for the further development and implementation of the GCF Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). The DSU recommended, among others, to consider building a strategic assessment requirement into a regular review of accredited entities and strengthening mechanisms for enforcement.