
Advice on ToR: SEA for oil/gas and coastal management

Project details





Activity type

ESIA/SEA advice


Oil & Gas

Last modified

22 September 2014

The NCEA advised on Terms of Reference for an SEA for oil and gas developments in Mauritania.

Significant details

Following the discovery of oil fields offshore Mauritania in 2001, various concessions were granted for exploration of these sources. Impact assessments (including EIAs and Social Impact Assessments) were undertaken for separate projects, but an underlying strategic plan and strategic environmental assessment were lacking. The NCEA was asked to advise on Terms of Reference (ToR) for an SEA which should be embedded in a strategic plan for development of oil and gas activities in the offshore and coastal zone.

The NCEA formed a working group comprising expertise in various relevant disciplines, which paid a visit to Mauritania. The NCEA issued its advice, structured according to the steps in SEA and including the following sections:

  • Screening: need for SEA;
  • Scope: SEA process; problem analysis, objectives and alternatives; consistency analysis with existing policies/strategies;
  • Assessment and quality assurance;
  • Decision-making: political decision-making and accountability mechanisms;
  • Follow-up: recommendations for monitoring and enforcement.

Advisory reports and other documents

22 Sep 2006: Terms of reference

14 Feb 2007: Advisory review

Parties involved

Members of the working group

dr. Maarten Jan Brolsma

ir. Trudi van Ingen

Cornelis Johannes (Cor) Smit

prof. dr. ir. Huib de Vriend

Martinus Zwanenburg


ir. Aad van der Velden

Technical secretary

ir. Veronica ten Holder


Woodside Energy Ltd.

Competent authority

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs