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Advice on integrating environment, climate change and DDR into the MASP of the Great Lakes Region

Project details





Activity type

Sustainability advice


Climate change, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Risk assessment

Last modified

03 April 2019

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kigali has requested the Dutch Sustainability Unit to review the embassy’s Multi-Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) for Rwanda and the regional MASP for the Great Lakes.

Significant details

The embassy seeks to better integrate environment, climate change and disaster risk reduction and advice on how best to accommodate these issues.

Advisory reports and other documents

06 Sep 2013: Other

Parties involved

Members of the working group

dr. ir. Niek van Duivenbooden

dr. Jan-Joost Kessler

Peter de Koning

dr. Victor Langenberg

dr. Saskia Visser

ir. Lida Zuidberg

Technical secretary

ir. Ineke Steinhauer

Competent authority

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs