The NCEA at IAIA21
11 May 2021
We are looking forward to participate in the IAIA21 annual 'online' conference, to hear and share new insights on impact assessment in practice. The NCEA will provide presentations or contribute at the following sessions:
- Smartening IA through 50 years of research & practice. Rob Verheem (NCEA) - May 18th, 9.30 a.m. CDT
- General Best Practice Principles for Impact Assessment. Rob Verheem (NCEA) - May 18th, 11.30 a.m. CDT
- Strategic Planning for hydropower with environmental and social values. Arend Kolhoff (NCEA) - May 19th, 9.00 a.m. CDT
- Governance and Implementation Systems Trends of impact assessment in developing countries. New diagnostic tool for country ESIA systems by Bobbi Schijf (NCEA) & Peter Tarr (SAIEA) May 19th, 9.00 a.m. CDT
- The role of IAIA in reducing bias and strengthen independence of IA professionals. By Eddie Smyth (Intersocial Consulting )and Rob Verheem (NCEA) - May 21st, 6.00 a.m. CDT