Ineke Steinhauer
Technical secretary

Environmental Assessment has been applied in Mozambique since 1993, but its legal framework was only set up in 1997 through the Environmental Law. Specific EIA regulations followed in 1998 which were replaced by new ones in 2004 and partially adapted in 2008. In 2015, a new regulation on the process of environmental impact assessment came into force (Decree 54/2015).
There are no legal provisions for SEA in Mozambique, but the Environmental Law requires EIA for PPPs. It is practiced since 2003 though, and a legal framework for SEA is under development. The central authority responsible for environmental assessment is the Ministry of Lands, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER), and its Provincial Directorates (DPTADERs) can also play an important role in it. Since 2020, the new name of MITADER is MTA: Ministry of Land and Environment.
Overview ESIA procedure
The first step of the EIA process in Mozambique is Screening, where the activities are categorized. It is then decided if they need a full, simplified or no EIA in order to receive the permit. Scoping is done for full EIAs and simplified EIAs. For simplified EIAs a pre-assessment is done during that stage. Further steps of the EIA process are the assessment, review and decision-making stage on whether an environmental licence is issued or not. Finally, compliance monitoring is undertaken.
Documents that can be essential outputs of the EIA process are the following: Starting documents (Screening), Environmental Pre-feasibility Study document for full EIAs (Scoping), ToR for full and simplified EIAs (Scoping), Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for full EIAs, Simplified Environmental Reports (SER) for simplified EIAs, recommendations from review, Environmental Licence, EMP.
Screening process
Decree 54/2015 establishes that screening is required for all activities with possible impacts on the environment. The Ministry for Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER) is responsible for the screening decision.
The decision is based on several documents, including a description and justification of the activity, the legal framework of the activity, and a short description of the environmental and the socio-economic conditions of the area. At this stage, the authority may not approve the project when fatal flaws (‘questoes fatais’) are identified.
The screening results in the rejection of the activity’s implementation, or in the categorization of the activity in one of four categories. Category A+ requires full fledged EIA and the supervision and review of (an) independent expert (s). Category A requires only a full fledged EIA. Category B a simplified EIA and Category C requires no EIA but compliance with General Procedures of Good Practice in Environmental Management.
The screening decision is based on several criteria, including: the number of affected people and communities; the type of ecosystems, plants and animals affected; location and extension of the affected area; probability, nature, duration, intensity, and significance of the impact; direct, indirect, potential, global and cumulative impacts; and reversibility and irreversibility of the impact. Decree 54/2015 provides lists to determine the categories of the projects (Anexo I to V).
Category A+ comprises of projects that are of such complexity, magnitude, and likely to produce irreversible impacts, that they require strict monitoring with involvement of specialists. They may involve economic and physical displacement that cannot be addressed under the specific Regulation on Resettlement Resulting From Economic Activities (Decree No. 31/2012, of 8 August), or they are positioned in areas characterized by highly valued biodiversity and habitats, animal and plants species on the edge of extinction, or may involve projects producing dangerous toxins (carcinogens), pesticides, and extraction and processing of minerals.
Category A are projects with significant impacts, for example large scale infrastructures (airports, highways), large-scale agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related industries.
Category B projects involve projects that have no significant impact and are not undertaken in sensitive areas, such as transmission lines, education complexes, and factories involving the production of various types of goods such as construction materials. Projects of Category B require the simplified EIA process including the formulation of ToR and a Simplified Environmental Report (SER).
Category C projects may create minimal negative impacts, such as small-scale irrigation, telecommunication towers, or small factories.
Sensitive areas
The Decree provides for the possibility to reject a project considering its fatal flaws. This can be applied to projects proposed in areas considered to be only for conversation purposes, and areas that contain species on the edge of extinction as well as migratory species, and to protect ecosystem functions essential on national, provincial, or district level.
The Category A + provides extra protection for proposed projects in sensitive areas (both from an environmental and social concern).
Articles 8 and 9 of Decree 54/2015 including appendices I to V.
Contents of the starting document
Several documents have to be presented to the responsible authorities by the proponent, including:
For this a form is available, a so-called FIAP, Anexo 6 to the Decree 54/2015.
Timeline Screening
8 working days
Scoping process
All activities that fall under Category A+ or A require scoping, but to a different extent. For activities of Category A+ and A an Environmental Pre-Viability Study (EPDA) that also includes the designing of ToR has to be done. Activities in Category B only require Terms of References for the Simplified Environmental Report (SER), but no EPDA.
The proponent is responsible for writing the EPDA. An essential aspect is that the proponent identifies the likelihood of fatal flaws.
The EPDA report is reviewed by a multi-sector technical review committee. The technical committee reviews the scoping report of A+, A and B projects. It provides comments and asks for additional information to the proponent when regarded necessary.
Article 10 and 12 of Decree 54/2015
Contents of the scoping document
Three different Scoping documents can be distinguished: the EPDA report, the ToR for Category A+ and A activities and the ToR for Category B activities.
The EPDA consists of:
A Review report by the independent Experts on the EPDA and EIA of Category A+
The ToR for category A+ and A projects consists of:
The ToR for category B activities require:
Timeline scoping
ToR for B projects: 15 working days
EPDA and ToR for A projects: 30 working days
EPDA and ToR for A+ projects: between 40 and 50 working days
Article 19 of Decree 54/2015
Assessment process
The Proponent is responsible for the assessment process. The EIA is guided by the approved ToR that is established during the scoping stage. The methods of the assessment undertaken in the EIA had to be specified in the ToR. The EIA and simplified reports have to be submitted to MITADER.
Contents of the EIA report
The EIA for Category A+ and A activities, requires the following content:
Specialist reports must be attached to the EIA report in the form of appendices.
For Category A + an independent advisory review report has to be submitted.
The Simplified Environmental Report (SER) for Category B activities is required to have the following contents:
Accreditation of consultants
Individual consultants, consulting firms, or consortiums can be involved in the impact assessment process and studies. They can only be registered when they have five year or more experience in the area of the environment, or in specific subjects related to the environment. The Decree provides a list of criteria Mozambican consultants need to comply with.
For foreign consultancies involved in the project, the Decree requires that 50 % of the consultants are subcontracted Mozambican nationals.
There is no specific information yet regarding the requirements of Independent Experts for Category A+ projects.
Article 23 and 24 of Decree 54/2015
Review process
A temporary multi-sector technical review committee is set up to review the EPDA. The same committee also reviews the EIA report. The committee submits a report with its comments to the EIA authority (MITADER), which also takes into account all the comments made by the public during the review process. For A+ projects, the review report of the independent expert is included (mechanism not yet operational).
During the review process, the proponent may have to submit additional information to assist the committee. The proponent has 10 working days to comply with these requests. The findings of the report of the committee form the basis for the decision-making process by MITADER regarding the granting of the Environmental License.
The review of the Simplified Environmental Report (SER) entails the set up of a technical committee comprising of various (local) representatives and technical experts. This committee may request additional information, and eventually approves the SER which is the basis for the approval of the Environmental License.
Articles 16, 17 and 18 of Decree 54/2015
Review expertise
Through the review committee relevant expertise from within government can be involved in the review.
Timeline Review
45 working days EIA A projects
60 working days EIA for A+ projects
30 working days simplified EIA for B projects
Article 19, Decree 54/2015
Integration of ESIA into decision-making
There are three phases of licensing:
The review committee provides recommendations to the competent authority regarding the issuing of the Environmental Licence. The issuance of the Environmental Licence must be based upon an approved EIA of the proposed activity. Environmental Licences are valid for a period of five years. They are then renewable for an equal period of time. The licence is a prerequisite for the issuance of any other licence or permit that may be legally required. The decision on the EIA approval and the issuance of the license are both taken by the central EIA authority.
MITADER is the competent authority for activities of Category A+ and A, and its provincial departments may issue the licence for Category B and C projects.
Article 20 and 21 of Decree 54/2015
Decision justification
If environmental viability is proven, the competent authority notifies the proponent after payment of all required fees. It is not specified if this is writing or not. If environmental viability is not guaranteed, the competent authority can (partially) reject the implementation of the activity, which is reasoned both technically and legally in a final statement report.
The partial rejection can result in placing the project in another category. In this case, the Authority requires that a new AIA process is conducted, before they reconsider their decision.
Article 21 of Decree 54/2015
Timeline decision-making
If environmental viability is proven, the competent authority has 15 working days to notify the proponent after payment of all required fees. If environmental viability is not guaranteed, the competent authority can (partially) reject the implementation of the activity. If that is the case, competent authority has 5 working days to notify the proponent.
Possibilities for appeal
Not specified
Compliance monitoring
The Decree stipulates that MITADER has to conduct regular inspections on the sites of projects to monitor the implementation of the management plans. They can also request an environmental audit when they regard this necessary.
Specifically for A+ and A projects, the Authority has to visit the project on an annual basis during the construction phase.
Every five years the Environmental Licence has to be renewed. The renewal of the licence depends on the presentation of an updated EMP for Category A and B projects, and for Category C a report on environmental performance based on the conditions set out in the authorisation document. For Category A+ projects also an updated management plan for counterbalancing impacts on biodiversity is expected.
MITADER will conduct a visit to the locality of the project, for which the costs are the entire responsibility of the proponent.
Articles 22 and 26 of Decree no. 54/2015
Non-compliance penalties
Penalties are set out as follows:
Public participation requirements for ESIA process stages
Public participation is mandatory for Category A+, A and B projects. Public participation is required from the start of the conceptual phase of the project, until the EIA (or simplified) approval has been given.
Public participation is regarded to be the entire responsibility of the proponent. Public participation must at least include 2 consultations on a local level; the first consultation must entail a presentation of the proposed project and involves collection of comments and suggestions, and the second consultation must involve presentation of the report to be submitted to the government (supposedly the first version of the EPDA and/or EIAs). The announcement for the public consultation must be done at least 15 days in advance of the event.
All parties, and specifically local communities whom are directly or indirectly affected by the project can participate in the consultation.
All the technical reports in relation to the scoping of the project must be available to the public before the public consultation, to guarantee their participation in the process.
The final reports including the EIA, environmental and social management plans, management plans of counterbalancing biodiversity, and the resettlement plans are public documents. The EIA Authority is responsible for disseminating these documents on a national and provincial level.
Regarding resettlement of local communities, specific consultation requirements apply (see the Process of Resettlement Resulting from Economic Activities (Decree No. 31/2012, of 8 August).
All comments provided during public consultation and public hearings should be registered in such a way that the integrity of its contents is preserved (written, recorded, other). The public participation must result in a final report (this report will be public).
[tooltip title="Source information"]Article 15 of Decree 54/2015[/tooltip]
Timeline for public comments
For Category A+ projects, 45 days after de Public Consultation was held, and comments should be directed to the consultant responsible for the project.
For the other categories, 15 days after de Public Consultation was held, and comments should be directed to the consultant responsible for the project.
Access to information
During public consultation, all information that is related to the activity should be made available. If needed, this information should be transcribed to an easy to understand, clear and concise language. This includes the possible environmental, social and economic impacts of the activity, the decisions that can be taken, and the alternatives. The technical reports of the EIA report must also be made available for public comment.
The information is made available in public places and distributed through media organizations with the largest coverage and circulation in the area where the activity is to take place.