
Activities of the NCEA in Mali started in 2002 with the advice on the EIA for a water and electricity investment programme, and soon evolved to supporting strategic processes.

Already in 2014-2015, before enacting SEA regulation, the NCEA provided independent advice on the scope of the SEA and subsequent coaching to the Malian government for a hydro-agricultural development plan (irrigation scheme) near Segou. In 2017-2019, the NCEA provided coaching to the SEA for the integrated development plan for the Sourou area, led by a group of municipalities – a first SEA experience at sub-national level for Mali. In 2021-2024, the NCEA provided independent advice on the scoping and subsequent coaching of the SEA for a similar process of another group of municipalities, in the Sankarani area, who got inspired by the former. Other recent activities include an independent advice for an urban development project linked to waste (water) and sanitation in Mopti and a workshop with IGF on ESIA and mining focussing on closure and rehabilitation.

Legislation in Mali

Already in 1991, a law on the protection of the environment included provisions on ESIA. The 1999 ESIA regulation provided more detailed information on the process. Since then, the ESIA system in Mali has been perfected through the publication of new and / or amended regulations. SEA was first created in the legislation in 2008, but only in 2018 the detailed SEA procedures were published.