Guinea’s Environmental Code of 1987 first introduced ESIA in the country. The procedure was then elaborated in a decree issued in 1989, and in 2013 a General Guide for the Realisation of ESIAs was adopted by ministerial decision.
In 2019, this was followed by a long-awaited revision of the Environmental Code. This Code introduced SEA into the legal framework, although it did not provide any procedural information for that instrument.
Early 2022, a semi-autonomous Agency for Environmental Assessment (AGEE) was created. In July 2022, the environment ministry published a new procedure for environmental assessment, which provides an update on ESIA and adds SEA requirements. Guinea distinguishes between Detailed ESIA for high-impact projects (category A) and Simplified ESIA for projects with less impact (category B). The AGEE manages the procedure with a Comité Technique d’Analyse Environnementale (CTAE) – an ad hoc committee with representatives of ministries and NGOs.
Code-de-lEnvironnement-du-04-juillet-2019-1.pdf (
Arrêté A/2022/1646/MEDD/CAB/SGG portant procédure administrative d'évaluations environnementales
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The NCEA coaches new SEA process in Guinea
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Fomi-dam Guinea: transboundary effects
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ESIA for Fomi-dam in Guinea
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