December 2020
- The SEA for joint landuse planning - The Philippines
- SEA for sustainable development plan Moyen Bafing - Guinée
- New MoU Egypt - Dutch water sector
- Publication: Ten cases of the SRJS Programme
- SEA Training course for Senegal River Basin Development Authority
- Plan adopted to improve environmental assessment in West-Africa
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♦ Best wishes ♦
From all of us at the NCEA: We wish you a healthy, warm and inspirational end of the year. In light of the current situation, this is especially important for so many of us around the world. We hope to see you in 2021 in good health and where possible face-to-face, to work together towards a sustainable future!
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The SEA for joint landuse planning emphasises cooperation - The Philippines
Local governments and stakeholders of District 1 of Zamboanga del Norte came together to mark the publication of the SEA report for their landuse planning. The SEA shows that for sustainable development, joint planning and cooperation is crucial for issues such as agricultural development, climate change, waste management, transport and water management.
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SEA for sustainable development plan Moyen Bafing - Guinée
In the Moyen Bafing region - known for its large population of chimpanzees - a large dam, mines, access routes and railways are being planned. To make sure that these projects contribute the most to sustainable development, an inter-ministerial commission decided to jointly start a regional sustainable development accompanied by an SEA.
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New MoU Egypt - Dutch water sector
Following successful cooperation since the 1970s, Egypt and the Netherlands recently signed a new MoU for a 4-year cooperation programme on applied research in the water sector. ESIA improvement is one of the topics identified. The NCEA, as one of the partners in this cooperation programme, is looking forward to work together with Egyptian organisations on further implementation of ESIA.
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Publication: Ten cases of the SRJS Programme
In a new publication, the NCEA collaborated with SRJS to present an overview of ten cases on the subject of ESIA and SEA in landscape management. After four years of practice and experience in different forms and settings, the cases in this booklet demonstrate that environmental assessment complements the landscape approach in important ways. The countries include: Benin, Burkina Faso, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mali, The Philippines, Suriname, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
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Training course for staff members of the Senegal River Basin Development Authority (OMVS)
The River Senegal crosses four countries and is an important source for irrigation, food supply, electricity etc. Understandably, its sustainable management is of utmost importance. The OMVS is the managing authority of the river. Currently the OMVS is involved in the SEA for the Koukoutamba Dam in Guinea. To understand the ins and outs of SEA, the NCEA provided a introductory course.
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Plan adopted to improve environmental assessment in West-Africa
At the end of November, the eight member states of the West-African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) adopted a three-year programme to improve the environmental assessment systems in their countries. The focus will be on professional exchange, training, and guidance development.
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