8037-04. Cooperation WWF - Cameroon

Cameroon is home to enormous biodiversity, while simultaneously in continuous economic development. Specifically, in the protected TRIDOM area plans are made to develop a large iron mine on the border with the Republic of the Congo. WWF has requested the NCEA to support Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for this development. 

Détails significatifs

In December 2023, the NCEA conducted a reconnaissance mission to Yaoundé to explore how it could be involved in these developments. Two main options were explored: an SEA for the TRIDOM zone and review of ESIA of Mbalam Iron mine. Capacity development through trainings is also possible, but only in support of coaching or independent advice. 

An SEA for the TRIDOM region will be a challenge, due to the differnt political interests. The SEA is already quite complex, but the region also covers three countries (Cameroon, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon) making it even more complicated. As a first step, an awareness-raising workshop will be organized to sensitize stakeholders to the added value and challenges of SEA.

The review of ESIA for iron mines will become a separate dossier under the NCEA's regular activities. 

Parties concernées

Membres du groupe de travail

Secrétaire technique: Stephen Teeuwen, MSc

Plus de détails

Pays: Cameroon; Central Africa

Mise à jour: 20 févr. 2024