ESIA Follow-Up webinar materials

ESIA Follow-up: From commitments to enforceable provisions

Held on: November 29, 2023

Find recording and presentations below

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Likewise, a succesful ESIA is nowhere without consistent follow-up. But how to organise this?

In this webinar, we explored factors of success for good ESIA follow-up and basic elements of a quality Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). Cases from various sectors were presented, lessons learned were discussed and tips were shared on how to apply them in contexts relevant for the audience. 

Organised by:
EANECE and the NCEA. With contributions from Robert Orina (Deputy Director in charge of Environmental Assessments at NEMA Kenya), Bryony Walmsley (Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment), and others.

Find your materials here:


Webinar recording

1 Webinar Introductory slides
2 From good intentions to legal requirements
3 ESIA presentation on Base Titanium - Case study
4 St Helena Environmental Management

Q & A
Webinar questions and answers